A warm welcome to Altek GmbH
We are a systems supplier of innovative components for the Control of liquids used in plant protection and municipal equipment. All over the world our clients rely on our products – with decades of experience in the field of pumping and control technology, Altek GmbH is your competent contact for plant protection Technology and Precision Farming.
At the Swabian location of Rottenburg, near Tübingen, we focus on research and development. Our daily work is targeted on confronting the many challenges in agricultural technology and on further devel- oping our products in the best way possible for future requirements. Topics such as environmental protection, saving resources and more efficient products are more important than ever and require the highest level of precision farming. The smart products from Altek GmbH aim at meeting these demands in an optimum way and already make it possible to have specific applications with electronic support which are tailored directly to the plant.
Regionality and sustainability are similarly important topics for Altek GmbH, we develop and assemble our products exclusively in Germa- ny. Unlike many other industrial operations, for years we have been pursuing a strategy of a high degree of vertical integration and local sourcing. This not only supports our independence, in particular from worldwide suppliers, but it also reinforces the continuation of our delivery performance and quality.
Our customers benefit from:
- Years of Expertise and high technological Know-how
- Higher Quality Standards and Product Reliability
- Short delivery periods and fast service
- Customized Optimization and flexible solutions
- First class consultation
Then and now
1965: Founding of Company
The starting roots of altek are founded upon the innovative spirit of two engineers and two operators from the company Rau, who didn´t want to resort on the competitor´s pumps for their field sprayers. So in 1965, in the garage of one of the company founders, the development and manufacturing of the first altek pumps took place.
1970: Construction of the first Operations Building
The quantities produced started growing in demand so they founded in 1970 the first altek operating building. A few years later the uprising market share the products had reached required the company to expand.
1979: Construction of the Official Headquarters
Due to the uprising market share the products had reached, the company required to expand. In 1979 the new altek GmbH building emerged and has set root as the Company´s Headquarters to this day.
1992: Rau Group goes into Bankruptcy
During the 80s the market suffered a negative impact causing the majority of farmers to fall victims to the structural change. The Agricultural machinery manufacturers sold fewer machines impacting the sales of the Rau Group who in 1992 went financially bankrupt. Their subsidiary, altek, narrowly avoided bankruptcy itself.
1995: Erhard Wissler joins the Rau Group
Erhard Wissler joined as the Rau Group Managing director, where altek also fell into his area of responsibility.
1999: Acquisition of altek GmbH by Erhard Wissler
Three years later, the Rau Group was acquired by Kverneland Group, whose owner decided to separate his purchase from the altek GmbH. Erhard Wissler jumped at the chance to independency acquiring altek on 1.10.1999 leading the Company up to this day as an Independent family owned business with its Headquarters in Rottenburg-Hailfingen, Germany.
2008: Thomas Schwert becomes Manager Director of altek GmbH
With the recruiting of Tomas Schwert as Manager Director of altek in 2008, Erhard Wissler has gained the valuable support of an experienced connoisseur of the agricultural machinery industry.
2015: 50th Anniversary
2020: Acquisition by the 1918 founded italian pump Producer Bertolini Pumps
Merging of two pump Producers, market Leaders not only in the agricultural sector
Quality Control
In Altek GmbH assurance of high product quality is first priority.
A profound CAQ Software helps us with our daily job, to keep product quality on highest level. By the operater selftest we share responsability and thereby create a high level of quality awareness in our company.
Our quality department has the following tasks:
- Supplier audits when selecting suppliers for suppliers' products
- Testing devices management, control and calibrating
- Management of warranties and actions taken
- General first inspection of new parts, process- or drawing change
- Goods income check according to testing plan specifications for every supplied batch of the more than 3000 goods in stock
- Inspection during manufacturing in CNC production
- 100% checking of the outgoing goods! Every product is checked regarding functionality and tightness!
Quality Management
Die Kundenzufriedenheit hat bei uns einen sehr hohen Stellenwert! Der Kunde mit seinen Vorstellungen und Ansprüchen an unsere Produkte und seinem Vertrauen in unsere Fähigkeiten ist der Mittelpunkt unserer Unternehmenstätigkeit. Unsere Kunden finden ihre Erwartungen an unsere Leistungen in unseren Produkten wieder. Kundenzufriedenheit resultiert aus Unternehmensqualität uns Unternehmensqualität ist das Ergebnis von Produkt- und Managementqualität der Organisation. Wir haben klar definierte und dokumentierte Unternehmensprozesse, die wir jederzeit im täglichen Geschäft einhalten und regelmäßig auf Verbesserung überprüfen. Unsere CAQ Software unterstützt uns bei der Qualitätssicherung, Qualitätsplanung und im Qualitätsmanagement.
Wir begeistern unsere Kunden durch:
- partnerschaftlichen, herzlichen Umgang
- hohe Kompetenz
- Leistungserbringung zum größtmöglichen Kundennutzen
- termingerechte Lieferungen erstklassiger Produkte
Unser Qualitätsmanagementsystem ist zertifiziert nach DIN EN ISO 9001:2015